Virtual Threads (Project Loom) – Revolutionizing Concurrency in Java

Project Loom Virtual Threads in Java


Concurrency has always been a cornerstone of Java, but as applications scale and demands for high throughput and low latency increase, traditional threading models show their limitations. Project Loom and its groundbreaking introduction of virtual threads redefines how we approach concurrency in Java, making applications more scalable and development more straightforward.

In this post, we’ll go deep into virtual threads, exploring how they work, their impact on scalability, and how they simplify backend development. We’ll provide both simple and complex code examples to illustrate these concepts in practice.

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Can/Should I use parallel streams in a transaction context?



To make a long story short, you should not use transactions within a parallel stream. This is because each thread in the parallel stream has its own name thus it does participate in the transaction.

The Streams API is designed to work correctly under certain guidelines. In practice, to benefit from parallelism, each operation is not allowed to change the state of shared objects (such operations are called side-effect-free). Provided you follow this guideline, the internal implementation of parallel streams cleverly splits the data, assigns different parts to independent threads, and merges the final result.

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